That was STiAS 2024
Review of the first Sustainable Tourism in Austria Summit in June 2024 at Grafenegg Castle

On 24 and 25 June 2024, the first edition of the two-day Sustainable Tourism in Austria Summit (STiAS) took place at Grafenegg Castle in Lower Austria, organised by the Austrian National Tourist Office together with the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. Over 300 participants from Austria and abroad - including representatives from all federal provinces and the tourism industry in key core markets - attended the diverse keynote speeches, presentations and panel discussions. Solutions for the tourism industry were jointly developed in workshops. The event focussed on inspiration and knowledge transfer as well as the personal exchange of experiences

STiAS aftermovie

Impressions from Grafenegg

STiAS 2024: Documents for download

We have made all the presentation documents available for download so that you can review all the presentations at your leisure.

Day 1: Presentations

Day 1: Thematic block "Climate Action Plans for the tourism industry" (EN)

Day 1: Thematic block "Data and measurability" (EN)

Day 1: Thematic block "Participatory processes for more sustainability" (EN)

Day 2: Presentations

Day 2: Thematic block "Sustainability communication" (DE)

Day 2: Thematic block "Tourism acceptance" (DE)